(8 Pack) ERP WD12X10231 Dishwasher Lower Rack Roller

Exact Replacement Parts

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(8 Pack) ERP WD12X10231 Dishwasher Lower Rack Roller

Replaces Part Numbers: 
WD12X10231, 1263942, AH1481883, EA1481883, AP3994981, PS1481883.

Description: This Lower Dishrack Stud and Roller Assembly is a replacement part for select GE dishwasher models. It is essential for the smooth operation of the dishwasher's lower dishrack, allowing it to slide in and out. This assembly includes the roller that attaches to the dishrack and the studs that secure these rollers in place.


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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