Belts | Idler Pulley | Bearing | Roller

Dryer Belts, Idler Pulleys, Rollers and Drum Bearings

Clothes Dryer Belts

Dryer belts are essential for transferring power from the motor to the drum, allowing it to rotate and dry your clothes, when these belts wear out or break, the dryer may become noisy, fail to tumble, or not start at all.

Idler Pulleys

Idler pulleys help maintain the tension of the dryer belt, ensuring it doesn't slip or become loose. They are crucial for smooth operation and extending the life of the belt.


Rollers support the drum and allow it to spin smoothly. Over time, rollers can wear out or become misaligned, causing the drum to wobble or make grinding noises.

Drum Bearings

Drum bearings help reduce friction and ensure the drum rotates smoothly. Worn-out bearings can cause the drum to make squeaking or grinding noises and may require replacement to restore proper function.


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