Belts | Pulley | Suspension | Transmission

Washer Belts, Pulley, Suspension, Transmission related parts

  • Washer Belts Washer belts, such as the drive belt and pump belt, are crucial for the proper functioning of your washing machine. If your washer isn't spinning or draining properly, it might be due to a worn or stretched belt. Replacing these belts is usually a straightforward process.
  • Washer Pulleys Pulley help the belts transfer motion to different parts of the washer. If your washer is noisy or not spinning correctly, the pulley might be worn out. Replacing the pulley involves removing the old one and installing a new one.

  • Washer Suspension The suspension system in your washer helps keep the tub balanced during the spin cycle. If your washer is shaking or making loud noises, the suspension rods or springs might need to be replaced.

  • Washer Transmission Parts The transmission in your washer is responsible for controlling the speed and direction of the drum. If your washer isn't agitating or spinning, there might be an issue with the transmission. Replacing transmission parts can be more complex and might require professional help.


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