ERP W10913953 Washer Shift Actuator

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP W10913953 Washer Shift Actuator

Mode shift actuator with 6 pin wire connection

Replaces Part Numbers:
W10913953, WPW10597177, W10597177, W10815026, AP6037270, OEM24149082, PS11769864.

Description: This Shifter Actuator is a replacement part for select Whirlpool washing machines. It is an electronic component located in the transmission assembly that controls the shifting between wash cycles. The shifter actuator receives signals from the control panel to change the drum rotation speed and direction depending on the selected wash cycle settings.


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

California Residents only
WARNING: Cancer and/or Reproductive Harm -

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