ERP W10408179 Refrigerator Water Valve

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP W10408179 Refrigerator Water Valve

Replaces Part Numbers: 
W10408179, 1938614, 2186486, 2188622, 2188708, 2188746, 2205762, 2255457, 2304757, 2304833, 2315534, 4389177, AH3497634, EA3497634, AP5263471, PS3497634, W10408179VP.

Description: This Water Inlet Valve is a replacement part for specific Whirlpool refrigerator models. It regulates the supply of water to the ice maker and water dispenser features. Properly functioning valves are essential for reliably producing ice and dispensing filtered water.


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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