ERP 154637401 Dishwasher Water Valve

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP 154637401  Dishwasher Water Inlet Fill Valve

Replaces Part Numbers: 154637401, 1378823, 154219601, 154219602, 154359801, 154359802, 154373301, 154373303, 154445901, 154476101, AH1990907, EA1990907, AP4321824, PS1990907.

Description: This Water Inlet Valve is responsible for dispensing water during each washing cycle, ensuring that the correct amount of water is let in and out at the appropriate times. This crucial part is a direct replacement. The water inlet valve is usually located behind the lower kick-plate panel. It is located in either the left or right corner of the dishwasher.  This is a replacement part, Manufactured to OEM Specs.  ensuring high quality and a perfect fit for your dishwasher. It is compatible with many different brands, including Frigidaire, Kenmore, Crosley, and Gibson. 


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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