ERP 134637810 Washer Water Valve

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP 134637810 Washer Water Valve

Replaces Part Numbers: 
134637810, 134637800, 1482877, 7134637800, 7134637810, AH2349248, EA2349248,  AP4368791, PS2349248.

Description: This Water Dispenser Valve is a replacement part for specific Frigidaire washing machine models. This valve controls the flow of water into the washing machine during the wash and rinse cycles. It ensures that the correct amount of water enters the drum, contributing to efficient and effective cleaning.  Causes of a bad water dispenser valve can include mineral deposits or debris clogging the valve, wear and tear over time, or electrical faults that affect the valve’s operation. 


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part. 

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