(2 Pack) ER3051163 - ER3051162 Range Oven Front Rear Drawer Glide Set Replaces 3051163, 3051162

Exact Replacement Parts

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(2 Pack) ER3051163 - ER3051162 Range / Oven Bottom Drawer Rear & Front Glide Set for Frigidaire

Replaces Rear Glide:
3051163, 08067822, 3012699, PS434227, AP2121518, AH434227, EA434227 

Replaces Front Glide:
3131687, PS434226, AP2121517, 305136118, PS434227, 3051162, 3051361, 3012698, 08067766, AH434226, EA434226

This  is an aftermarket part which can be used as replacement of OEM part.

IMPORTANT! You should call ahead to confirm availability of an item before going to the store. store's actual inventory can change from minute to minute. Calling the store will allow you to confirm that the item is still available. Some items may not be immediately available for pickup at your local store. Prices and availability may differ from web prices at local pickup location.

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