DC47-00018ACM Dryer Thermostat Replaces DC47-00018A

Choice Manufactured Parts

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DC47-00018ACM Dryer Thermostat

  • L260-50F. 125/250V. 25A. 1/4" spade terminals.
  • Used on DC97-14486A elements.

Replaces Parts Numbers: 
DC47-00018A, 1122485, AP4201898, PS4205217.

Description: This High Limit Thermostat is a replacement part for specific Samsung dryer models. It plays a role in the safety and efficiency of the dryer's operation by monitoring and regulating the temperature within the dryer. This thermostat acts as a safety device, cutting off the heat source if the internal temperature exceeds safe levels, preventing potential overheating and fire hazards.


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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