W10900067CM Dryer Thermal Cut-Off Fuse Kit Replaces W10900067

Choice Manufactured Parts

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W10900067CM Dryer Thermal Cut-Off Fuse Kit

Replaces Part Numbers:
W10900067, 4460718, N197, 197CM, 197, AP6036100, PS11769432.

Description:  This cut-off terminal is a replacement Part for specific Kenmore, Maytag, Roper, Whirlpool  dryer models. The kit contains a 309°F thermal fuse and a L221-71°F high limit thermostat. In electric dryers, it shuts off the heat if overheating occurs to prevent fire risk. The thermal fuse cuts power while the thermostat regulates the operating temperature. To install, first, unplug the dryer. Use a multimeter to test the old fuse for continuity at room temperature; it should read zero ohms.


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