ERP 279311 Gas Dyer Igniter

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP 279311 Gas Dryer Igniter 

  • 3.4 – 3.6 Amps,
  • 2” wide block.
  • Includes adapter brackets and wire nuts to replace older spiral igniters.

Replaces Part Numbers: 
279311, 239233, 239300, 239302, 26000279311, 279185, 279311VP, 338899, 338900, 3389895, 340607, 3415, 343128, 41-311, 6-85211, 660991, 685211, 686590, 687399, 691039, 8113, 99912719, AH334180, AP3094138, DE351, DE354, DE363, EA334180, K35-166, PS334180.

Description: This Igniter Kit and Bracket is a replacement part for select Maytag, Kenmore, Whirlpool gas dryer models. It is a kit that includes the igniter and bracket assembly, which work together to ignite the gas or electric heating element. 


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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