279838CM Dryer Heating Element Replaces 279838

Choice Manufactured Parts

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279838CM Dryer Heating Element

Replaces Part Numbers: 
279838, WP279837, 279837, 2438, 279838A, 279838VP, 3398063, 3398064, 3403585, 8565582, W10724237, AH334313, AP3094254, EA334313, PS334313.

Description: This Dryer Heating Element is a replacement part for specific Whirlpool, Maytag, Kenmore  electric dryer models. This element provides critical heat to properly dry wet laundry loads. Consistent warmth throughout cycles is key to leaving clothes completely dry. This heating element heats the air circulating around the drum. Causes of a bad heating element can include failure due to extended usage cycles over time, or mineral buildup inhibiting heat transfer. 


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part. 

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