ERP W11043389 Dryer Timer

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP W11043389 Dryer Timer

  • Fits Specific Whirlpool, Maytag Dryer models.

Description: This dryer timer is a replacement part responsible for controlling the various cycles and durations of the dryer. The timer is located on the control panel of the appliance. It allows users to select the desired drying time or cycle, such as timed dry or automatic dry, and regulates the operation of the dryer accordingly. The timer advances through different settings, turning the heating element on and off, and activating other functions at the appropriate times to ensure efficient and effective drying.

Replaces Part Numbers:
W11043389, W10436308, WPW10436308, AP6040038, PS11773247. 


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

California Residents only

WARNING: California’s Proposition 65 

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