XP676738 Oven Bake Element Replaces 00676738

Exact Replacement Parts

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676738 Oven Bake Element

  • Watts: 3500
  • Volts: 240. With .250" male terminal push-in connections.
  • UL Listed: Yes

Description: This oven bake element is a replacement part responsible for generating the heat necessary for baking and roasting in a oven. This part is located at the bottom of the oven's interior cavity or beneath the oven floor or base. When the oven is in use and the bake function is selected, electric current flows through the bake element, causing it to heat up. This heat rises and circulates within the oven, providing the consistent and even temperature required for cooking.

Replaces Part Numbers:
00676738, 1562215, 676738, AH3482595, EA3482595, AP4509276, PS3482595, PS8733731.

This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

California Residents only

WARNING: California’s Proposition 65 

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