ERP DC93-00634A Dryer Idler Pulley

Exact Replacement Parts

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ERP DC93-00634A Dryer Idler Pulley for Samsung

Replaces Part Numbers: 
DC93-00634A, DC97-07509B, DC61-01230B, DC96-00882B, DC96-00882C, 4455850, AP6038887, PS11771601.

Description: This replacement Idler Pulley Assembly is an essential component for many specific dryer models by Samsung. The idler pulley is also known as a dryer pulley. It handles keeping the dryer drive belt at the right level of tension as it wraps around the drum of the dryer. This quality assembly includes a pulley wheel and center axle that rotates on a bearing to ensure the proper operation of the dryer. Over the time, the idler pulley assembly can wear out or break, leading to issues such as a dryer that won't start or loud noises.


This is an aftermarket part that can be used as a replacement for the OEM part.

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